Wednesday, October 29, 2008

No means no! Or does it.....

I do not think Jack quite understands the word "no" yet. In fact, I know he does not. Sometimes (like all babies) he will whine for no apparent reason. Being the obsessive compulsive person I am, this cannot be! Things need to be done right...people need to act right! lol Even if he is only 3 months! jk When I tell him no (in my stern voice), he looks at me all serious and then breaks out in smiles! It is so cute. My aggravation goes away instantly. I love being a mom! He is so precious.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Lunch with the bunch

Today I spent the afternoon at the Beavers' house. The fellowship was so enjoyable! Here are a couple of the pictures from my fun afternoon.

Jack fell asleep on uncle Taylor almost immediately after I put him in his arms. It was so sweet.

This is Talisha with her handsome baby boy, Ethan.

Jack likes lovin's from his aunt Aimee!

This was Corey's toy when he was a baby! Jack loved it!
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Thursday, October 2, 2008